Product. Something to sell by person
type MarketProduct {
# Product ID
id: String! # 1ee822d9-7739-6c7c-9229-0242ac17000a
# Price
price: Money!
# Product slug for URL
slug: String! # glock-18-moonrise-minimal-wear-504967904487
# Delivery type
deliveryType: DeliveryType! # AUTO
# Created at
createdAt: DateTime! # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Expired at
expiredAt: DateTime! # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Lifetime of product in seconds. 31536000 is 365 days
lifetime: Int! # 31536000
# Qty of days on market
daysOnMarket: String! # 42
# Item info
item: InventoryItemInterface
# Qty of similar items on market
similarQty: Int # 42
# Qty of similar items on store
storeSimilarQty: Int # 42
position: IntegerRange
# Use item.isAdditionalDataMissed instead
isAdditionalDataMissed: Boolean!
# Store info
store: PersonStore
# Discount percent
discount: Int # 3
# Discount price
discountPrice: Money
promo: Promo
state: MarketProductState
reviewResponse: String