whitemarket Документація для партнерів

Activate orders on WhiteMarket

mutation {
		ids: [""]
	) {
		# Order ID
		id # 1ee4bd8c-e669-695e-9ba4-0242ac1d0008
		# The ID of the app which owns the item
		app # 730
		# Hash name
		nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
		# Quantity of products
		quantity # 10
		# instance of Money
		price {
			# Decimal value
			value # 42.42
			# Currency
			currency # USD
		# Status
		status # ACTIVE
		# Normal icon
		icon # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
		# Large icon
		iconLarge # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
		# instance of MarketOrderParamValue
		params {
			# Param name
			param # CSGO_FLOAT
			# Depends of param
			value # 0.123456
		# Created at
		createdAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
		# Expired at
		expiredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000