Filters and sorts for market deals history
input MarkerDealHistorySearchInput {
# Product name to search
name: String # knife
# Product name to search strictly or not
nameStrict: Boolean
# Product name hash to search strictly
nameHash: String # AK-47 | Vulcan
createdAt: DateTimeRangeInput
csgoRarity: [String!]
# CS2 Rarity
csgoRarityEnum: [CSGORarity!]
csgoExterior: [String!]
# CS2 Exterior
csgoExteriorEnum: [CSGOExterior!]
# CS2 StatTrak
csgoStatTrak: Boolean
# CS2 Souvenir
csgoSouvenir: Boolean
# CS2 Stickers
csgoStickers: Boolean
# CS2 Sticker Names. Use market_csgo_stickers_suggestion for search
csgoStickerNames: [String!] # paris2023_signature_floppy_4
# CS2 Sticker Names Operation
csgoStickerNamesOperand: LogicOperand
# Market deal history status
status: MarketDealHistoryStatus
# Price from
price: MoneyRangeInput
# Sort
sort: MarketDealHistorySortInput