whitemarket Documentation For Partners

GraphQL Playground

  1. You may see all the Queries and Mutations available for your usage:

    You can get API endpont here.


  2. On Query/Mutation action – you will explore its Type details and Arguments it receives.

    In the example below you may see that market_list(…) query

    • MarketProductConnections type
    • Receives search and forwardPagination as arguments. image
  3. You should go in depth in order to explore arguments peculiarities. Argument search is MarketProductSearchInput type. MarketProductSearchInput type has all the needed fields you may use to filter and sort Products list before requesting it. image

  4. Some fields also are special types and you can expand the needed field in order to check type details. As an example:

    • PriceFrom field is MoneyInput type
    • MoneyInput type has two fields:
      • value: String! (default type)
      • currency: Currency! (special type – meaning we need to go in depth to understand which fields it receives)
        • Currency is Currency! enum:
          • Currency! enum has following the set of predefined values: USD
