whitemarket Documentation For Partners

Returns list of wallet withdrawals on WhiteMarket

query {
	wallet_withdrawals {
		# Withdrawal ID
		id # 1edfdf7f-c98f-6904-972c-0242ac1d0005
		# instance of PersonPublic
		person {
			# Person ID
			id # 1ee73dc5-a7ca-6ba6-ae97-0242ac17000b
			# Steam ID
			steamId # 76561199128574729
			# Person's name in Steam
			steamName # SuperSonic
			# Person's level in Steam
			steamLevel # 42
			# Person's registration date in Steam
			steamRegisteredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
			# Person's medium steam avatar icon url
			steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/b04ab65367b1a551f8d5cd2ab972ee8cb38e335e_medium.jpg
		# instance of Money
		amount {
			# Decimal value
			value # 42.42
			# Currency
			currency # USD
		# Status
		status # TODO EXAMPLE
		# Comment
		comment # Some comment
		# Created at
		createdAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
		# Complete at (SUCCESS status)
		completedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
		# Payment provider
		provider # TODO EXAMPLE
		# Expired at
		expiredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
		# Payment provider transaction id or wallet address
		providerCorrespondingId # TMeDeibY2ovqARyVh3H9wGVHX7ixmujKcW