whitemarket Documentation For Partners

Returns CS2 stickers suggestion info for market_list filter

query {
		search: ""
	) {
		# instance of CSGOStickerSuggestion
		suggestions {
			# Mnemonic name of sticker
			name # paris2023_signature_floppy_4
			# Title of sticker
			title # Sticker | floppy | Paris 2023
			# Total products with sticker
			total # 42
			# Film of sticker
			film # HOLO
			# Image of sticker
			icon # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
		# How many suggestions beyond results
		moreCount # 42