Full Info regarding In Progress Deal
query {
id: "" #
customId: "" #
) {
# Deal ID
id # 1ee796f9-f855-630e-8e7e-0242ac160005
# Deal custom ID
customId # my_id_42
# instance of PersonPublic
seller {
# Person ID
id # 1ee73dc5-a7ca-6ba6-ae97-0242ac17000b
# Steam ID
steamId # 76561199128574729
# Person's name in Steam
steamName # SuperSonic
# Person's level in Steam
steamLevel # 42
# Person's registration date in Steam
steamRegisteredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Person's medium steam avatar icon url
steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/b04ab65367b1a551f8d5cd2ab972ee8cb38e335e_medium.jpg
# instance of PersonPublic
buyer {
# Person ID
id # 1ee73dc5-a7ca-6ba6-ae97-0242ac17000b
# Steam ID
steamId # 76561199128574729
# Person's name in Steam
steamName # SuperSonic
# Person's level in Steam
steamLevel # 42
# Person's registration date in Steam
steamRegisteredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Person's medium steam avatar icon url
steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/b04ab65367b1a551f8d5cd2ab972ee8cb38e335e_medium.jpg
# instance of PersonSteam
receiver {
# Steam ID
steamId # 76561199128574729
# Person's name in Steam
steamName # SuperSonic
# Person's level in Steam
steamLevel # 42
# Person's registration date in Steam
steamRegisteredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Person's medium steam avatar icon url
steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/b04ab65367b1a551f8d5cd2ab972ee8cb38e335e_medium.jpg
# Receiver's Trade URL in Steam
receiverTradeUrl # https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=ID&token=TOKEN
# instance of MarketProductHistory
product {
# Product ID
id # 1ed8c266-3dab-66f0-b2ff-0242ac1d0005
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# Steam Context ID
contextId # 2
# Steam Asset ID
assetId # 34070244882
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Amount
amount # 1
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Status
status # DEAL
# Delivery type
deliveryType # AUTO
# Archived at
archivedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# instance of SteamItemInterface
description {
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Normal icon
icon # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# Large icon
iconLarge # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# true if the item can be traded, false if not
isTradeable # true
# How many days for which the item will be untradable after being sold on the market.
marketTradeableRestriction # 7
# The item's universal market name. This identifies the item's market listing page.
nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# The item's display name.
name # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# Updated at
updatedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# The item's description.
description # Some description
# instance of Money
steamPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of InventoryItemInterface
params {
# Item ID
id # 1ee7cfde-8f2a-697e-8118-0242ac17000a
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# Steam Context ID
contextId # 2
# Steam Asset ID
assetId # 34070244882
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Seller steam ID. Please contact support for this feature
sellerSteamId # 76561199387616956
# Amount
amount # 1
# instance of MarketProduct
product {
# Product ID
id # 1ee822d9-7739-6c7c-9229-0242ac17000a
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Product slug for URL
slug # glock-18-moonrise-minimal-wear-504967904487
# Delivery type
deliveryType # AUTO
# Created at
createdAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Expired at
expiredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Lifetime of product in seconds
lifetime # 2592000
# Qty of days on market
daysOnMarket # 42
# Qty of similar items on market
similarQty # 42
# Qty of similar items on store
storeSimilarQty # 42
# instance of IntegerRange
position {
# From
from # 12
# To
to # 23
# instance of PersonStore
store {
# Person Store ID
id # 1ee77cd5-ba25-6ffe-a772-0242ac120004
# Store name
storeName # My Best Store
# Store slug
slug # my-best-store
# Is top seller
isTopSeller # true
# Is store name public
isStoreNamePublic # true
# Is items on sale public
isItemsOnSalePublic # true
# Is trade history public
isTradeHistoryPublic # true
# Is achievements public
isAchievementsPublic # true
# Store avatar
avatar # steam
# Store banner
banner # banner-1
# Steam avatar
steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/111_full.jpg
# Is KYC verified
isKycVerified # true
# Registered at
registeredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Years on market
years # 3
# Avatar uploaded by user
customAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/custom_full.jpg
# Account level
# Earned points
# Points left to the next level
leftPoints # TODO EXAMPLE
# instance of PersonAchievement
achievements {
# Achievement name
# Unlocked at
unlockedAt # TODO EXAMPLE
# Achievement type
# Achievement status
# Achievement points
# instance of AchievementParamUnion. Possible types:
# AchievementStringParam
# AchievementBooleanParam
# Discount percent
discount # 3
# instance of Money
discountPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Promo
promo {
# instance of MarketOrderPublic
order {
# Order ID
id # 1ee4bd8c-e669-695e-9ba4-0242ac1d0008
# The ID of the app which owns the item
app # 730
# Hash name
nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# Quantity of products
quantity # 42
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Normal icon
icon # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
# Large icon
iconLarge # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
# Is your order or not
isMy # true
# instance of MarketOrderParamValue
params {
# Param name
param # CSGO_FLOAT
# Depends of param
value # 0.123456
# Updated at
updatedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# instance of SteamItemInterface
description {
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Normal icon
icon # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# Large icon
iconLarge # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# true if the item can be traded, false if not
isTradeable # true
# How many days for which the item will be untradable after being sold on the market.
marketTradeableRestriction # 7
# The item's universal market name. This identifies the item's market listing page.
nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# The item's display name.
name # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# Updated at
updatedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# The item's description.
description # Some description
# instance of Money
steamPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Money
recommendedPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Money
minPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Is additional params missed, for example float value or stickers
isAdditionalDataMissed # true
# instance of InventoryItemInterface
item {
# Item ID
id # 1ee7cfde-8f2a-697e-8118-0242ac17000a
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# Steam Context ID
contextId # 2
# Steam Asset ID
assetId # 34070244882
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Seller steam ID. Please contact support for this feature
sellerSteamId # 76561199387616956
# Amount
amount # 1
# instance of MarketProduct
product {
# Product ID
id # 1ee822d9-7739-6c7c-9229-0242ac17000a
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Product slug for URL
slug # glock-18-moonrise-minimal-wear-504967904487
# Delivery type
deliveryType # AUTO
# Created at
createdAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Expired at
expiredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Lifetime of product in seconds
lifetime # 2592000
# Qty of days on market
daysOnMarket # 42
# Qty of similar items on market
similarQty # 42
# Qty of similar items on store
storeSimilarQty # 42
# instance of IntegerRange
position {
# From
from # 12
# To
to # 23
# instance of PersonStore
store {
# Person Store ID
id # 1ee77cd5-ba25-6ffe-a772-0242ac120004
# Store name
storeName # My Best Store
# Store slug
slug # my-best-store
# Is top seller
isTopSeller # true
# Is store name public
isStoreNamePublic # true
# Is items on sale public
isItemsOnSalePublic # true
# Is trade history public
isTradeHistoryPublic # true
# Is achievements public
isAchievementsPublic # true
# Store avatar
avatar # steam
# Store banner
banner # banner-1
# Steam avatar
steamAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/111_full.jpg
# Is KYC verified
isKycVerified # true
# Registered at
registeredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Years on market
years # 3
# Avatar uploaded by user
customAvatar # https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/custom_full.jpg
# Account level
# Earned points
# Points left to the next level
leftPoints # TODO EXAMPLE
# instance of PersonAchievement
achievements {
# Achievement name
# Unlocked at
unlockedAt # TODO EXAMPLE
# Achievement type
# Achievement status
# Achievement points
# instance of AchievementParamUnion. Possible types:
# AchievementStringParam
# AchievementBooleanParam
# Discount percent
discount # 3
# instance of Money
discountPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Promo
promo {
# instance of MarketOrderPublic
order {
# Order ID
id # 1ee4bd8c-e669-695e-9ba4-0242ac1d0008
# The ID of the app which owns the item
app # 730
# Hash name
nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# Quantity of products
quantity # 42
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Normal icon
icon # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
# Large icon
iconLarge # https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
# Is your order or not
isMy # true
# instance of MarketOrderParamValue
params {
# Param name
param # CSGO_FLOAT
# Depends of param
value # 0.123456
# Updated at
updatedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# instance of SteamItemInterface
description {
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId # 730
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId # 188530139
# Normal icon
icon # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# Large icon
iconLarge # https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
# true if the item can be traded, false if not
isTradeable # true
# How many days for which the item will be untradable after being sold on the market.
marketTradeableRestriction # 7
# The item's universal market name. This identifies the item's market listing page.
nameHash # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# The item's display name.
name # Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
# Updated at
updatedAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# The item's description.
description # Some description
# instance of Money
steamPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Money
recommendedPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# instance of Money
minPrice {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Is additional params missed, for example float value or stickers
isAdditionalDataMissed # true
# instance of Money
price {
# Decimal value
value # 42.42
# Currency
currency # USD
# Deal status
# Delivery type
deliveryType # AUTO
# Steam offer ID
steamId # 6795949861
# Created at
createdAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Expired at
expiredAt # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000