whitemarket Documentation For Partners

Person's profile

type PersonFull {
	# Person ID
	id: String! 	# 1ee73dc5-a7ca-6ba6-ae97-0242ac17000b
	nickname: String! 
	# Email
	email: String 	# [email protected]
	# Steam ID
	steamId: String 	# 76561199128574729
	# Steam Trade URL
	steamTradeUrl: String 	# https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=1168219001&token=_sQcVAEK
	# Registered at
	registeredAt: DateTime! 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# Inventory updated at
	inventoryUpdatedAt: DateTime 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# Person does not confirmed email address.
	isEmailConfirmed: Boolean! 
	# Inventory update in process.
	inventoryNeedUpdate: Boolean! 
	# Person's name in Steam
	steamName: String 	# SuperSonic
	# Person's registration date in Steam
	steamRegisteredAt: DateTime 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# Person's medium steam avatar icon url
	steamAvatarMedium: String 	# https://avatars.akamai.steamstatic.com/b04ab65367b1a551f8d5cd2ab972ee8cb38e335e_medium.jpg
	# Person's full steam avatar icon url
	steamAvatarFull: String 
	# Person's level in Steam
	steamLevel: Int 	# 42
	# Person has set api key or not.
	hasApiKey: Boolean! 
	locale: Locale! 
	# Person referrer code
	referrerCode: String 	# 2cf289072d02c304
	# Person referrals count
	referralsCount: Int 	# 42
	# Position in trading competition
	tradingCompetitionStat: TradingCompetitionPersonItem! 
	marketOrderAutoActivate: Boolean! 
	# Person's KYC verification status
	isKycVerified: Boolean! 
	isPartnerTokenExist: Boolean! 
	# Discount percent
	discountPercent: Int 	# 3
	# Discount active to
	discountActiveTo: DateTime 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	countryCodeOfResidence: String 
	countryCodeOfCurrentLocation: String 
	# Who invite you code
	inviterCode: String 	# 2cf289072d02c304
	isAchievementsEnabled: Boolean! 
	# Account level
	level: Int 
	# Earned points
	points: Int 
	# Points left to the next level
	leftPoints: Int 
	# Personal percentage based on points earned
	percent: String 
	canSell: Boolean! 
	canBuy: Boolean! 
	canDeposit: Boolean! 
	canWithdraw: Boolean! 