Product history item
type MarketProductHistory {
# Product ID
id: String! # 1ed8c266-3dab-66f0-b2ff-0242ac1d0005
# The ID of the app which owns the item
appId: String! # 730
# Steam Context ID
contextId: String! # 2
# Steam Asset ID
assetId: String! # 34070244882
# The first half of the item cache identifier
classId: String! # 5568220466
# The second half of the item cache identifier
instanceId: String! # 188530139
# Amount
amount: Int! # 1
# Price
price: Money!
# Status
status: MarketProductStatus! # DEAL
# Delivery type
deliveryType: DeliveryType! # AUTO
# Archived at
archivedAt: DateTime! # 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
# Description of item
description: SteamItemInterface
# Params
params: InventoryItemInterface
# Store info
store: PersonStore