whitemarket Documentation For Partners

Market deal history

type MarketDealHistory {
	# Product ID
	id: String! 	# 1ee796f9-f855-630e-8e7e-0242ac160005
	# Deal custom ID
	customId: String 	# my_id_42
	# Seller
	seller: PersonPublic! 
	# Buyer
	buyer: PersonPublic! 
	# Product
	product: MarketProductHistory! 
	# The ID of the app which owns the item
	appId: String! 	# 730
	# Steam Context ID
	contextId: String! 	# 2
	# Steam Asset ID
	assetId: String! 	# 34070244882
	# The first half of the item cache identifier
	classId: String! 	# 5568220466
	# The second half of the item cache identifier
	instanceId: String! 	# 188530139
	# Amount
	amount: Int! 	# 1
	# Price
	price: Money! 
	# Status
	status: MarketDealStatus! 	# BUYER_OFFERED
	# Delivery type
	deliveryType: DeliveryType! 	# AUTO
	# Status
	cancelReason: MarketDealCancelReason 	# BUYER_NOT_TRADEABLE
	# Steam offer ID
	steamId: String 	# 6795949861
	# Comment
	comment: String 	# Seller is not tradeable
	# Archived at
	archivedAt: DateTime! 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# Created at
	createdAt: DateTime! 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# Price without fee
	priceNet: Money 
	# Third party receiver steam ID, if exist
	receiverSteamId: String 	# 76561199128534719