whitemarket Documentation For Partners

type CSGOSteamItem {
	type: LocalizedValue! 
	typeEnum: CSGOType 
	subtype: LocalizedValue 
	subtypeEnum: CSGOSubtype 
	category: LocalizedValue! 
	subcategory: LocalizedValue! 
	# Our category
	categoryEnum: CSGOCategory! 
	# Our category title
	categoryTitle: String! 
	# Our category
	subcategoryEnum: CSGOSubcategory 
	# Our subcategory title
	subcategoryTitle: String 
	# Rarity
	rarity: LocalizedValue 
	# Exterior type
	exterior: LocalizedValue 
	# First part before | at name
	short: String 	# Souvenir Five-SeveN
	# Second part after | at name
	skin: String 	# Contractor
	stickerImages: [String!]! 
	stickerTitles: String! 
	# Charm image
	charmImage: String! 	# https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/atlanta2017/sk_gold.0310a91ffcbe6720557e12e0e8b7352dd8576774.png
	charmTitle: String! 
	isStatTrak: Boolean! 
	isSouvenir: Boolean! 
	# Item's collection name
	collection: LocalizedValue 
	# For cases. Common items in case
	contains: [String!]! 
	# For cases. Rare items in case
	containsRare: [String!]! 
	# The ID of the app which owns the item
	appId: String! 	# 730
	# The first half of the item cache identifier
	classId: String! 	# 5568220466
	# The second half of the item cache identifier
	instanceId: String! 	# 188530139
	# Normal icon
	icon: String 	# https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
	# Large icon
	iconLarge: String 	# https:\/\/steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/default_generated\/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_rubber_light_large.5836c38d3037a5a1f90ffdc8c9d0b94367ca8efd.png
	# true if the item can be traded, false if not
	isTradeable: Boolean! 	# true
	isMarketable: Boolean! 
	# How many days for which the item will be untradable after being sold on the market.
	marketTradeableRestriction: Int! 	# 7
	# The item's universal market name. This identifies the item's market listing page.
	nameHash: String! 	# Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
	# The item's display name.
	name: String! 	# Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
	# Updated at
	updatedAt: DateTime! 	# 2023-11-29T23:33:27+0000
	# The item's description.
	description: String 	# Some description
	# Steam price
	steamPrice: Money 