whitemarket Documentation For Partners

type MarketOrderPublic {
	# Order ID
	id: String! 	# 1ee4bd8c-e669-695e-9ba4-0242ac1d0008
	# The ID of the app which owns the item
	app: SteamApp! 	# 730
	# Hash name
	nameHash: String! 	# Sealed Graffiti | Loser (SWAT Blue)
	# Quantity of products
	quantity: Int! 	# 42
	# Price
	price: Money! 
	# Item info
	inventory: InventoryItemInterface 
	# Normal icon
	icon: String 	# https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
	# Large icon
	iconLarge: String 	# https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/paris2023/sig_floppy_large.a2063e888511d11f9ef153ddb3b705bf3f8acdfe.png
	# Is your order or not
	isMy: Boolean! 	# true
	# Price
	params: [MarketOrderParamValue!]! 