whitemarket Documentation For Partners

Filters and sorts for orders list

input MarketOrderSearchInput {
	# Steam application
	appId: SteamApp 
	# Price from
	priceFrom: MoneyInput 
	# Price to
	priceTo: MoneyInput 
	# Price from and to
	price: MoneyRangeInput 
	# Product name hash to search strictly
	nameHash: String 	# AK-47 | Vulcan
	# Product name to search strictly or not
	nameStrict: Boolean 
	# Get only unique (by name hash) products or not
	distinctValues: Boolean 
	# CS2 Category
	csgoCategory: CSGOCategory 
	# CS2 Subcategory
	csgoSubcategory: CSGOSubcategory 
	# CS2 Rarity
	csgoRarityEnum: [CSGORarity!] 
	# CS2 Exterior
	csgoExteriorEnum: [CSGOExterior!] 
	# Sort
	sort: MarketOrderSortInput 
	# Own by user
	personOwn: Boolean 